If you’re a TeleGo Customer Portal admin, you’ve probably noticed an orange ENABLE BETA button sitting at the top of your portal page.

By clicking on this button, you enable our current beta features, and your company will be among the first to test our new improvements and features.
Current Beta Access: New and improved Analytics and Custom Reports!
New features in this beta release include:
• A brand new, simplified interface and design
• A brand new, simplified interface and design

• Greater detail regarding call results in User Summary and Group Summary

• The ability to drill down into Call Logs or Agent Summary within Group Reporting

• The option to include beta versions in Custom Reports

Please note that the beta version of the TeleGo Customer Portal will be made available to all users on your account. Features and functionality may vary from those of the current production Customer Portal. You can switch back to the production version of the TeleGo Customer Portal at any time. If you have any questions, please contact us.